Sarvanga Abhyanga is a full body massage involving light rhythmic strokes. The therapy uses a special herbal oil recommended for relaxation. The massage helps in the following.
* Increases blood circulation
* Tones muscles
* Improves elimination of impurities from body
* Softer, smoother skin
* Improves stamina
Sarvanga Abhyanga is a full body massage involving light rhythmic strokes. The therapy uses a special herbal oil recommended for relaxation. The massage helps in the following.
* Provide relaxation
* Increase blood circulation
* Relax muscles
* Improve vision
(Shiro Abhyanga+ Kaya Abhyanga + Pada Abhyanga + Steam Bath)
₹ 1200/- now at
₹ 999/-
A complete body massage using mediated boluses (potli). It helps in Increasing blood circulation, Healing diseases affecting the nervous system, Healing stiff and injured body parts, Strengthening muscles and nerves.
A whole body massage using warm boluses containing freshly prepared mixture of rare quality rice and milk. The therapy allows the body to sweat, which in turn helps in removing toxins. It is an important treatment for disease affecting the Nervous System. It helps in strengthening of muscle as well as nerves.
A bolus (potli) of heated choorna along with medicated herbs are tied in a muslin bag, dipped in lukewarm oil and used lightly to massage the body. It helps to reduce the blockages in arteries, veins, nerves and increases the circulation to the respective parts.
(SSPS – Full Body)
₹ 16000/- now at
₹ 14,400/-
The 5 treatment protocols that make up world of Panchakarma are:
1. Vamana
2. Virechana
3. Anuvasana Basti & Asthapana Basti.
4. Shirovirechana / Nasya
5. Raktamokshana
Ayurveda considers the body to be balanced and swaived the Tridoshas-Vata, Pitta and Kapha. and these 5 karma's act 5 karmais act especifically in particular desha and also collectively, in order to maintain on all the 3 doshas the.. body equilibrium, Cuie the diseases and revive the health.
It is the procedure that is known to act especially on the kapha dosha. Here, after a series of supportive procedures, the patient is given specific medicine that induces vomiting. The vomitus thrown out carries the toxins, and unhealthy kapha, thus detoxing and rendering the body disease-free. Treatment for
* Obesity
* Diabetes mellitus
* Skin disorders
* Infertility
* Mental disorders
(For Muscle Relaxaon)
₹ 2900/- now at
₹ 2,400/-
The procedure that is mainly known to be beneficial in diseases afflicted with Pitta dosha, virechana is also preceeded by a series of Purva Karmas (preparatory procedures). Here, loose stools are induced to detox the body & eliminate the root cause of diseases.
Treatment for
* Obesity
* Chronic fever
* Bronchial Asthma
* Jaundice
* Paralysiss
* Skin disorders
Basti, basically refors to the enema treatment. Here, medicated oils or lubricants are introduced into the body through the anal route for a stipulated period of time. This is generally used in diseases caused due to vitiated Vata Dosha.
Treatment for
* Paralysis
* Spinal disorders
* Digestive Disorders
* Spondylitis
* Infertility
* Deformities due to injury
Here, the enema is given using medicated decoctions. This is usually given in combination with the Anuvasana Basti and highly beneficial in removing Vata dosha and relieve pain and stiffness.
Treatment for
* Osteoarthritis
* Lumbar disorders
* Delayed milestones
* Infertility
* Impact injuries
This is a treatment protocol beneficial especially in disorders pertaining to the head and neck. It mainly eliminates the vitiated doshas, especially kapha dosha from these parts.
Treatment for
* Sinusitis
* Headaches
* Facial palsy / Bell's Palsy
* Nasal polyps
* Otitis media & other ear infections
Blood maintains and supports the body like roots supporting the tree so the blood is considered as life (jeeva). When blood gets vitiated by doshas it causes various diseases: Raktha mokshana is that procedure which expels out vitiated blood from the body.
Treatment for
* Scars
* Pigmentation
* Sinusitis
* Vericose veins osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis
* Wounds
* Skin diseases
* Sciatica
* Abscess
* Non healing ulcers
(For Stress Management)
₹ 14,000/- now at
₹ 11,200/-
Udvarthana is a therapeutic full body massage with herbal powder (choorna) instead of oil. It is a powerful detoxifying treatment of the lymphatic and circulatory system. It helps in:
* Stimulating blood flow
* Revitalizing the body
* Improving skin texture and complexion
* Improving flexibility
* Effective for skin conditions
* Losing weight
This is a very effective treatment with medicated oils that are applied to the head for treating various ailments of the neck and head. A well like fixture is fitted on the head and tied with a belt. Medicated oil is then filled in this and kept for a specific period. This process nourishes and rejuvenates the nerves in the region above the neck. It helps in relieving:
* Eye disorders
* Ear and nose disorders
* Chronic headaches like migraine
(Eye Rejuvenaon)
₹ 4,800/- now at
₹ 4,320/-
Snehapana is a main component of the internal detoxification procedure shodhan therapy. Literally, snehana means to smoothen. Prior to vamana/ virechana samsodhana procedures, one has to mobilize the vitiated doshas from their sites. This is achieved by Snehapana.
* Displacement
* Softening
* Smoothening
* Elimination of Stagnated Metabolic Wastes
The therapy involves application of medicinal pastes on the entire scalp. This treatment is renowned for its ability to heal problems related to the head and neck regions. The therapy helps in:
* Relieving migraine and Reducing stress
* Healing psychosomatic diseases
* Alleviating mental illnesses
* Relieving hypertension and insomnia
* Headaches and sinusitis
* Detoxification and Improving blood circulation
This therapy involves bathing the body with streams of lukewarm medicated oil in rhythmic movements and massaging the body softly. It helps in rejuvenating and detoxifying the body, strengthening weak muscles and improving blood circulation. It helps in relieving:
* Stiffness and pain in joints
* Arthritis
* Hypertension
* Osteoarthritis
* Asthma
(For Facial Skin Glow)
₹ 6400/- now at
₹ 5,760/-
It is a technique to increase the stimulation and helps in the nourishment of the vital spots of the cranium. It helps in relieving:
* Nourishment of skin
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